Wednesday 31 August 2011


Be careful now, the 2000 USD thresholder may trigger a selling. It will be back again to this level or even higher. To be in the safe side, as soon it reaches 1995 USD sell and reinvest in silver for a while. Silver is even more scarce than gold and with more industrial application. It is a safe harbour.

Friday 26 August 2011


I prefer if investors hold physical gold in a safe deposit box, ideally outside the US, in various locations...Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada...I think it’s important in today’s very uncertain world to diversify, not only the various asset classes...but also the custody of your assets should be in different jurisdictions.

Gold price evolution in the last three years vs DJ and S&P

is this a bubble?

Thursday 25 August 2011


We endorse buying Gold as the best investment available. Our message is clear and simple. We understand that once all other types of investment will be worthless, Gold will rule again.

Gold is not immune to the fast profit strategies that allow INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS to rip off the normal investor (high frequency trading, short selling, binary options, leveraged ETF's and so on). However, being scarce and physical is what differentiates this asset from any other class.

We are absolutely sure that with a rampant inflation in the horizon Gold will provide protection to any clever investor.

There is no best time to buy Gold. Just start to buy, either in physical form, via ETF's or shares of mining companies. Either way you will be much better.

But of course, any investor must be cautious as like in any other market, there are many traps in the Gold market.